3rd Tribu AdOBo Anniversary at House of Gwapa Campsite

With the onset of COVID-19, we have been apart from our friends, peers, etc. Thankfully, catching up with them is now “yey, okay” but with certain health protocols and guidelines to follow. Just in time for Tribu AdOBo to celebrate our third year at House of Gwapa campsite.

Disclaimer: This is a personal blog. The views, opinions, and tips expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of the rest of the travelers. I am not an expert. My purpose in writing is to share my story and hope to be, somehow, helpful and inspirational to some, if not all.  

It was beyond expectation to see and bond with friends, old and new. It is as if we have not seen each other for years. The fun, joy, laughter, bond, food, games, etc. the AdOBo way is just something we’ve been longing for.

Luckily enough, we decided to hold the activity at House of Gwapa. It’s just so perfect for the occasion though some were not able to make it.

Trivia: According to the owner, House of Gwapa is named after her daughter who was dubbed by the neighborhood as “gwapa” (beautiful) since then the area of flowers, plants, and others staple in the highlands is so-named. We were able to make use of and enjoy the campsite.

The site is continuously developing to meet the go-to leisure of adventures and nature lovers like us. If you’re one of those in need of someplace to breathe from the hassle and bustle of city life, this is the place to be. The campsite is highly recommendable then.

Nearby are river and falls for you to explore. Just contact the owner of the campsite for guideship details.

Let the following photos attest to that.

October is also the birth month of some of our members and we celebrated it too
on the way to the falls

There are river and falls near the campsite just negotiate with the campsite owner for guideship.

Thank you, Tribu AdOBo, and everyone (The Weekenders, Laagan Pilipinas, and other acquaintances) for celebrating another milestone with us. Cheers to that! We hope to see you again on our next adventures and community services. We are also grateful for the assistance of House of Gwapa, its owner, and its staff Ryan. If time permits, we will spend more time at the campsite next time. Love you guys. Keep safe always.

Visit our page for more of our adventures and events. We would love to share smiles and love for our community and everything of nature with you.

For more information about House of Gwapa, visit their Facebook page.

*Some photos are from friends.

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